UT Austin graduation pictures have been a staple in my work the last few years. Many might not know this about me, but I graduated from The University of Texas with a B.S. in Petroleum Engineering.
When Rebecca reached out for a Spring 2021 Graduation Session, I was immediately excited. In her first email, she told me she was graduating from the Hildebrandt Department at the Cockrell School of Engineering, it brought back so many good memories. She was the first engineering graduate to reach out this year, and it was a special session indeed!
Rebecca told me during her session that her father passed away last year in 2020. She scheduled her session to celebrate her accomplishments, but also commemorate her dad and the support he gave her to finish college and start life on her own. Her beautifully decorated graduation cap read the following in Spanish:
“Para mis padres que llegaron sin nada y me lo dieron todo.”
In English, this translates to “For my parents who came with nothing and gave me everything.” More than ever, it was important for me to make sure her loved one made a presence in her session. Scroll down for pictures of the beautiful cap!
UT Austin Graduation Pictures: Locations for Rebecca
Rebecca wanted her photos taken in a few places: the Santa Rita Well No. 1 on the south end of campus, the Tower in the middle of campus, and the Littlefield Fountain.
The Santa Rita Well No. 1
Quite a number of Petroleum Engineering graduates from UT Austin choose to do their photos at the Santa Rita Well. It’s located on the South end of campus, and it’s actually quite a difficult photoshoot location for a few reasons.
The location is directly open to a busy road, so photos will most likely have cars in the background at any hour.
Also, there is almost no shade covering. Shot in daylight, it can make the lighting very harsh. There’s a large tree on the corner of the well, but it’s a bit tough to do photos and showcase the well in its full glory.
If you choose to do graduation pictures here, I highly recommend doing them early in the morning at sunrise. With a morning session, you can have your best chances at even lighting and having few cars passing by.
The Tower
Rebecca chose to do her session around 10 AM on Sunday. The campus was quieter around this time, but harsh lighting conditions make shooting directly in front of the Tower difficult.
If you choose to take your photos around this time, I suggest doing them in the Six-Pack Lawn in front of the Tower. You can take advantage of shady spots so lighting is even on the face.
The Littlefield fountain
For all sessions, I recommend ending at The Littlefield Fountain. It gets a bit wet, so I don’t want soaking stoles in other photos!
Most students don’t go randomly hopping in the Fountain when they’re in school. But graduation? All bets are off. Of course, graduates are going to hop in and pop a bottle of champagne!
It was such a joy to capture Rebecca’s genuine expression for her first champagne pop! And in the Fountain, no less!
Want Graduation Pictures with Sarah?
Sessions are limited each season. Get on the waitlist and inquire about availability.
UT Austin Graduation Picture Props
Before Rebecca’s session date, she communicated with me in her pre-shoot questionnaire that she would bring a few things. Turns out she brought some amazing props and accessories!
As an accomplished young woman, Rebecca secured a job at a large Exploration & Production company. We made sure she threw on her hardhat for a few pictures, perfect for LinkedIn announcements.
She also brought paper confetti for some classic senior photos. Truly, what senior session is complete without confetti?!
Lastly, Rebecca brought a beautifully decorated in memory of her father who passed away last year in 2020. It was an honor to commemorate her accomplishments and the support her dad gave her to graduate with her degree.
If you need help figuring out what props to bring to a shoot, I recommend looking at this resource: The Complete Senior Photos Packing Checklist.
In Closing
I always feel so honored when an Engineering graduate requests for me to take their graduation pictures. This graduation session was especially notable because of Rebecca’s wishes to include her late father in her pictures. A celebration, indeed. I know her father is so proud of her.
If you’re looking to commemorate your time in school, please reach out to learn more about graduation pictures. Sessions are limited each season, so inquire about availability for your requested date. Thanks for reading!